About me


At 58,  I decided to take an art class. It was a surprise to me! I thought I couldn’t draw and hadn’t done anything since high school.

I love photography, so the journey started there. A few years ago, during a time of grief, depression and anxiety, I started to take pictures of nature…flowers, sunrises, beautiful things. I noticed it calmed my anxious mind and gave me a sense of hope. If God could create something so beautiful, he must still care about me. Photography became like a prayer  for me, an encounter with the sacred.

 Whenever you are creating beauty around you, You are restoring your soul.  Alice Walker


Last fall, Kelly Rae Roberts, a mixed media artist, was offering an online class called Spirit Wings. She teaches how  to paint whimsical angels. I love anything angel related! I signed up before the fear of not knowing how to draw kicked in.  It was a life changer. I found it relaxed me to collage, glue, and play with with paints. Of course the angels look a lot like Kelly Rae’s style, since I was following her lessons. But still, my soul was happy to be learning to paint angels. It was a dream that had been tucked deep in my heart a long time. These are my angels of joy, courage and healing.


I am a beginning artist, with lots to learn. I may be a bit obsessed with online art classes. The exploration of learning art  continues, and it heals me.

I will be sharing on my blog… photos of nature’s beauty, stories of my art journey and wherever the angels lead me. Perhaps it will inspire you to follow your own creative dreams. It’s never too late!

“Time to create.” said her Heart.   “It’s about time!” replied her Soul.

Just for fun…A few of My Favorite Things: 

God light rays, my silly puppy Lucy, morning coffee, the peace of water






My credentials:

  • Reiki Master
  • Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, through author Doreen Virtue, P.H.D.
  • Co-author of Angels on My Shoulder
  • Past owner of Rainbow Healing Center, Inc.
  • Photographer at the Art of Bliss women’s retreat